Malagos Chocolate Wins Bronze Award in 2015 Academy of Chocolate Awards

We at DavaoBase take pride in Davao brands that promote the city’s natural bounties to the world. Fairly recently, Davao has been churning out a number of premium chocolate products, including the now-famous Malagos Chocolate.

Malagos Chocolate products (image from the company Facebook page)
Malagos Chocolate products (image from the company Facebook page)

The world is starting to take notice of our city as a chocolate source. In fact, the Academy of Chocolate — a world-renowned group of leading chocolate experts in the U.K. — has bestowed a Bronze Award for “Best Unflavoured Drinking Chocolate” to Malagos 100% Unsweetened Chocolate. The Academy of Chocolate is considered the industry’s Oscars to recognize the best chocolate products all over the world.

academy of chocolate awards 2015The company behind the recently awarded chocolate drink is Malagos Agri-Ventures, which is owned by the Puentespina family of Davao. Rex Puentespina, the family company’s chief chocolate maker, is proud of the single-origin chocolate that they have produced. “We make our chocolates from Tree to Bar through the efforts of many people. The entire process of planting, growing, fermentation, drying, sorting, roasting & production of the chocolate is done right on our farm,” Puentespina said in the Malagos Chocolate website.

Congratulations to Malagos Chocolate! We hope that you will continue to bring Davao to the world’s palate.

[ Academy of Chocolate logo source here ]

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  1. Wow this is something nice for Davao. This proves that Philippine-made products are not only top of the line but their also world class. I hope Malagos chocolate would more popular here in the Philippines and then in abroad.

  2. Many thanks for the write-up! Much appreciated :-).

    Rex of Malagos Chocolate


      where can we buy those chocolates? if ever we want to sell the product can we have good price?

  3. i assume the chocolates have their own expiry dates. how long will they normally last without refrigeration?
    do you have special packs meant for gift-giving to friends abroad, preferably with the longest expiry dates?
    how much would they cost?

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